What Sets Us Apart

Tree Town Pediatric Dentistry Mission

To partner with parents, pediatricians, and community dentists to provide the most comfortable, gentle, highest-quality comprehensive dental care for infants, children, and adolescents, including those with special healthcare needs.

Tree Town Pediatric Dentistry Values

Communication with parents: We communicate with our patients’ caregivers in an in-depth, focused, cooperative way. We first strive to understand parental goals with their children’s dental care. We value the informed consent process and empower parents to make the best decisions they can for their children.
Communication with children: We communicate with our child patients in an age-appropriate way, because it is crucial for children to understand why and how we are trying to help. We take the time to teach our patients about healthy living and how they can best care for their teeth. We use the tell-show-do method before and during their visit so they know exactly what to expect.
Conservative care: We strive to provide the most personalized recommendations specific to a child’s circumstances, and seek first to provide conservative options for dental care.
Compassionate care: Through training, experience, and evidence-based practice, we strive to provide the safest, most compassionate care for all children.
Inclusion: We welcome all to our practice with warmth and compassion. We seek to understand and overcome barriers to care and advocate for those in need.
Integrity: All good outcomes begin with integrity. We do the right things in the right way.
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Tree Town Pediatric Dentistry
1303 Packard Street, Suite #301 Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-1591

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